Search Company Directory Sourced in Google Sheets

Define a company directory in Google Sheets. Search it from anywhere and pull up the results in context with PixieBrix

by @pixies


How to Use

Use the Context Menu to bring up an internal company directory that you can define in a Google Sheet. You can add rows and columns and modify the data in the Google Sheet, and it will dynamically update in the PixieBrix sidebar.


Google Sheet: To start, you will need a Google Sheet with your data in the same format as this Example Google Sheet Make sure the tab is named Directory.


Activate the Mod

  1. Activate this mod. If you're not logged into PixieBrix or have not previously created a PixieBrix account, you'll be prompted to do so before continuing the activation flow for this mod.

  2. Once you are logged in, use the PixieBrix Extension Console to configure the Google Sheet you created above.
    PixieBrix mod configuration

  3. Finish activating this mod by clicking Activate in the Extension Console.
    purple button with text that says finish activating

Try it Out

  1. On any webpage, right-click and choose "Search Directory." You can highlight a name and search for that person in your Google Sheet directory.

    chrome context menu with options

  2. Voila 🎉 PixieBrix returns your portable directory in the sidebar

sidebar panel displaying information about a member in a company

Endless Possibilities

This is just the beginning! Once you activate your mod, the possibilities are endless. With PixieBrix, you can customize any mod to meet your needs or even build something entirely new. If you run into any trouble, need friendly support, or want to share your creations with the world, join our PixieBrix Slack Community.

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