Translate to EN

Created with the PixieBrix Page Editor

by @brittany-joiner


Activate the Blueprint

  1. Activate this . If you're not logged into PixieBrix or you have not previously created a PixieBrix account, you'll be prompted to do so before continuing the activation flow for this .

  2. Once you are logged in, use the PixieBrix Extension Console to configure the Google Translate integration.

  3. Finish activating this by clicking "Activate" in the Extension Console

Try it Out

  1. Browse to a page that has text you would like to translate. Like this Italian newspaper

  2. Highlight some text that you would like to translate. Right-click and you should see "Translate TO EN" in the context menu. Click it.

  3. Viola - the translation appears in the window alert!

Endless Possibilities

This is just the beginning! Once you activate your , the possibilities are endless. With PixieBrix, you can customize any to meet your needs or even build something entirely new. If you run into any trouble and need some friendly support or if want to share your creations with the world, join our PixieBrix Slack Community.

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