Send Email from LinkedIn Profile

Adds a button to a profile on LinkedIn that finds user email and generates a button to send an email

by @pixies


How to Use

If you're tired of manually searching for someone's email address on LinkedIn and then going through the hassle of composing a new email, try this Get Email From LinkedIn mod.

This mod adds a button to every user's LinkedIn profile that, when clicked, automatically searches for that person's email address on Hunter. io and returns their email—no more opening a new tab and searching.

This mod also creates a button that opens an email draft directly from the LinkedIn profile page—no more copying and pasting between hunter, LinkedIn, and Gmail.


How to activate:

  1. Activate this mod by clicking Activate above in the top right or via this link
    PixieBrix configuration screen
  2. Select a Hunter integration, or configure a new one by adding a Hunter API key and saving the integration.
  3. Click "Activate."

Try it out:

  1. Go to a LinkedIn user's profile. Feel free to add me!
  2. Notice the Get email button appearing next to the other action items, and click it. Don't see it? Refresh the page.
    LinkedIn profile page with action buttons
  3. A modal appears with the user's email and an alert letting you know the email has been copied to your clipboard. You also see a button for starting an email.
    modal with an email address and a button that says email user
  4. Click the "Send Email" button to open a new tab with your email provider and the "to" address populated with their email.
    email compose with email address pre-populated

Great for:

  • Sales teams contacting potential leads
  • HR & Recruiting connecting with candidates
  • Anyone using LinkedIn as your email address book!

Great for...

👤 Recruiters

Connect directly with candidates instead

💰 Sales Teams

Email prospects to increase efficacy of your outreach

💪 Entrepreneurs

Start a conversation with leads or partners outside of LinkedIn

🎨 Creators

Find collaborators and create opportunities

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