Search Person in Pipedrive

Search for that user in Pipedrive and view results in a sidebar

by @pixies


How to Use

View Pipedrive contacts in the PixieBrix Sidebar. If a profile isn't in Pipedrive, create a new record with the click of a button. This is great for searching from LinkedIn!

Activate the Mod

  1. Activate this mod. If you need to log into PixieBrix or have not previously created a PixieBrix account, you'll be prompted to do so before continuing the activation flow.

    PixieBrix configuration sidebar

  2. Once you are logged in, use the PixieBrix Extension Console to configure the Pipedrive API by adding your API key.
  3. Finish activating this mod by clicking "Activate" in the Extension Console.

Try it Out

  1. Highlight a name or email address, feel free to use my name! Brittany Joiner. Right-click Choose Search in Pipedrive.

    Context menu

    If you don't have a name or selected one, use the Quick Bar to open a search bar and type the name or email in the form that appears. Press CMD/Ctrl + M and select the Search in Pipedrive action to open the form.
  2. Voila 🎉 PixieBrix searches Pipedrive and returns information about a contact if one is found, as well as actions you can take, like sending an email or viewing their LinkedIn profile.

    Sidebar with contact details

  3. If a given profile is not found, create a new contact record by clicking Add to Pipedrive

    modal with option to add a new contact

Endless Possibilities

This is just the beginning! With PixieBrix, you can customize any mod to meet your needs or even build something entirely new. Once you activate your mod, the possibilities are endless. If you run into any trouble, need friendly support, or want to share your creations with the world, join our PixieBrix Slack Community.

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