Share LinkedIn Post to Slack

Adds a button to each LinkedIn posts that sends the post text and link to a dedicated Slack channel with one click

by @pixies


How to Use

This mod adds a purple Slack icon to your LinkedIn posts that sends a

Activate the Mod

  1. Activate this mod by clicking this link or by clicking the purple Activate button in the top corner above the gif ^^.
  2. Type the name of the channel you want to send posts to. Do not include the #.
  3. Lastly, connect your Slack workspace. Click + Configure and you'll be guided through the connection. (Read more about setting up a Slack integration in our docs.)

  4. Click the Finish Activating button at the bottom of the sidebar when you're done!

Try it Out

  1. Head to your LinkedIn feed
  2. Notice each post has a purple Slack icon in the top right corner!
    LinkedIn post with slack button in top right corner
  3. Click the button, and then head to Slack to confirm your new message has been posted!
    Slack message

Need help? Head over to the Slack community or shoot an email to Pixie Britt.

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